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Home > About Marfa

Marfa, situated on a high plateau of the Chihuahuan Desert surrounded by three mountain ranges, can claim an unusual statistic - the town’s population equals roughly half its altitude.  Approximately 2,400 residents live approximately 4,800 feet above sea level.  Of course, this relationship is subject to change based on births, deaths, immigration, and seismic events.  But what’s far more important is Marfa’s success in balancing growth with the preservation of its pristine landscape.



Local Government

In the historic Paisano Hotel | 207 N. Highland Avenue | P.O. Box 635 | Marfa, TX 79843
ph: (432) 729-4942 or (800) 650-9696 fax: (432) 729-4956 email: info@marfacc.com