Tie Dye Class
- Description:
- MSA invites kids and adults to create their own unique tie-dye tee shirts and learn both the traditional and shibori method of dyeing. Shibori is a Japanese method of folding and stiching material prior to the dyeing process in order to create a pattern. Participants should bring their own white tee shirts or we will have some available for $3 a piece. The tie-dye project will be led by Jennifer Lane and David Hollander on Saturday, June 12, 1:00-3:00. Pre-registration is not required and visitors to Marfa are welcome.
MSA is located at 106 East San Antonio.
Contact: Ellie [email protected]; 729-4616 or Jen Lane at 729-3292.
People of the Big Bend: Lives in History
- Description:
- The Marfa & Presidio County Museum Association invite you to a very special presentation - Lonn Taylor, Big Bend Historian and Writer, will speak on "People of the Big Bend: Lives in History" tracing the history of our region through the lives of early settlers.
Saturday, June 12 at 4pm at the Crowley Theater in Marfa. Admission is free. A reception will follow Mr. Taylor's presentation.
Grupo Exito @ Padre's
- Description:
- SATURDAY JUNE 12th- GRUPO EXITO! The new CD is nearly ready and Grupo Exito is gearing up for touring! See them at home in Marfa before they hit the road and the big time! 9PM showtime, $6 cover
FarmStand Marfa
- Description:
- Visit FarmStand Marfa at 10am for fresh produce, baked goods, hand made crafts and more. Under the shade pavilion on Highland Ave.
8:00am |
9:00am |
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |