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Friday, July 2, 2022
Public Access

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July 2010
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  Moondogs @ Padre's
FRIDAY JULY 2nd- THE MOONDOGS of MARFA! Rock and roll until the cows come home with these high powered Marfa locals! Dance band mania all night with a spotlight on classic rock tunes and oldies rock! $5 cover, 8 PM showtime

Meet the Interns
Marfa Public Radio (KRTS, 93.5 FM) is pleased to welcome three summer interns to the station. KRTS is celebrating their arrival this Friday evening with a reception from 6-9 p.m. at the Q Caf� and Wine Bar at the Marfa Guest Quarters. Grace Vroom, Peter McCrady, and Rachel Neel will spend this summer assisting station activities, producing radio programming, and learning first-hand how a community supported, non-commercial radio station operates. This Friday evening, the public is encouraged to come out, meet the new interns, and mingle with friends and neighbors. The Q Caf� and Wine Bar has generously agreed to donate a portion of all beverage sales to KRTS. All proceeds will support public broadcasting in Far West Texas. The Q Cafe is located at 109 W. San Antonio Street in Marfa.

Children's Art Class Exhibition
Everyone is invited to a special exhibition of artwork by students in Chinati's Summer Art Classes on Friday, July 2 from 5 - 8 PM at the Ice Plant on East Oak Street in Marfa. The event is free and open to the public and will feature the grand premiere of the student films, with popcorn and other refreshments for all! Over the past two weeks, students in Kindergarten through 8th grade have directed and produced their own animated films with local artists Jennifer Lane and David Hollander and crafted furniture out of some surprising materials with instructor Michael Roch. This week, students will design and build a special hand-made theatre space with designer Peter Stanley where folks can sit back, relax and enjoy these colorful and delightful movies during the opening.
