FarmStand Marfa
- Description:
- FarmStand Marfa: Under the pavilion next to the railroad tracks on Highland Ave. Food, crafts, desserts, organic breads, fresh local produce, local honey, work by area artists and crafts people. 10AM.
CDRI Conference
- Description:
- Chihuahuan Desert Conference, "A Desert Without Borders" November 13-14, 2010 at the Carlos M. Ramirez TecH2O Water Resources Learning Center and the El Paso Zoo.
The mission of the conference is to promote education about the Chihuahuan Desert and to encourage educators and researchers working in the region to network and share knowledge. At the conference you will be able to hear a wide selection of interesting presentations about the animals and plants of our desert plus special presentations by Carter Smith, Texas Parks and Wildlife Executive Director, and David J. Simon, Director, New Mexico State Parks. Registration includes breaks, lunch and an evening social event with drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres at the El Paso Zoo.
Last year our City adopted a Sustainability Plan with the goal of achieving international recognition for successful preservation of our Chihuahuan desert heritage for all time. All of those involved in planning this important meeting realize that education is key to both preservation and conservation of our desert. Learning to share our remaining wild lands with the animals and plants of the Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem also helps us to both maintain and improve the quality of life for our entire community.
We need your support and I hope that you will consider registering for the conference online at http://www.chihuahuandesert.org/conference.html.
If you are unable to attend perhaps you would be interested in sponsoring a
student or a teacher to attend.
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