
Movie at Marfa Book Co

Description: Monday Night Movies at the Marfa Book Co, Program 12, 7PM Sharp:
The Whole Shootin' Match, Eagle Pennell, 1978, 109'
A Texas myth revisited with contentious discussion led by TJ and Roscoe on one side of the aisle, Ralph and Joe Cash opposing. Eagle Pennell's first feature details the tragic-comic struggles of two small-time
schemers, Loyd and Frank, desperate to land their big break. Through its
anecdotal narrative and fresh observation of its characters, the film intimately
captures a time and place (Austin, Texas 1977) with its atmospheric
photography and rough-hewn charm.
Location: Marfa Book Co
Date: Monday, November 16, 2022
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Created by: Joni Marginot
Updated: Thursday, November 12, 2022 12:13am GMT