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Yacht with White Rainbow

Description: YACHT with WHITE RAINBOW
Saturday 31 January 2023
8PM at the Goode Crowley Theater. Tickets $10 will be sold at the door.
Yacht is one of the many creative alter egos of Jona Bechtolt, a musician and multimedia artist who embraces an eclectic but playful blend of electronics, acoustic percussion, and noises of all sorts. When not occupied with Yacht, Bechtolt has created performance pieces under commission to New York City's New Museum of Contemporary Art and the Portland Institute of Contemporary Art. Recently Claire L Evans - writer, media-artist and musician - has joined YACHT on a permanent basis, and with Bechtolt has embarked on an international tour that will make it's way Marfa to kick-off our 2009 music season.
Location: Goode Crowley Theater
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2023
Time: 8:00pm EST
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Created by: Joni Marginot
Updated: Thursday, January 15, 2023 5:46pm GMT