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Critter Club Camp

Description: CDRI nature camps and kids activities get children outdoors�where they should be! With over 500 acres to explore, the Nature Center is the perfect outdoor classroom to encourage a child�s interest in the natural world. So, bring the family, learn about nature, enjoy the outdoors, and have fun!

Summer Day Camps
The Critter Club: Summer Day Camp for Preschoolers
Dates: Monday through Friday, June 14�18, 2010

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Location: Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center

Fees: $80 members; $100 nonmembers

Children love day camp! Where else do you get to go on walks, make crafts, tell stories, and read books�all centered on a different nature theme each day? Emphasis will be placed on developing an appreciation for the natural world. Ages 4 to 6. Class size limited to 10 children.
Location: CDRI, Fort Davis
Date: Friday, June 18, 2022
Repeat Type: Daily;Count=5
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Created by: Joni Marginot
Updated: Monday, May 31, 2022 6:05pm GMT