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Meet the Interns

Description: Marfa Public Radio (KRTS, 93.5 FM) is pleased to welcome three summer interns to the station. KRTS is celebrating their arrival this Friday evening with a reception from 6-9 p.m. at the Q Caf� and Wine Bar at the Marfa Guest Quarters.

Grace Vroom, Peter McCrady, and Rachel Neel will spend this summer assisting station activities, producing radio programming, and learning first-hand how a community supported, non-commercial radio station operates.

This Friday evening, the public is encouraged to come out, meet the new interns, and mingle with friends and neighbors. The Q Caf� and Wine Bar has generously agreed to donate a portion of all beverage sales to KRTS. All proceeds will support public broadcasting in Far West Texas. The Q Cafe is located at 109 W. San Antonio Street in Marfa.
Location: Q Cafe & Wine Bar
Date: Friday, July 2, 2022
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Created by: Joni Marginot
Updated: Wednesday, June 30, 2022 4:26pm GMT