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4-H Leaders Meeting

Description: Presidio County 4-H Leaders Set Organizational Meeting

"Have you ever imagined how much of a difference you can make in a young persons life?, asked County Extension Agent Jesse Lea Schneider. "Your time and knowledge are priceless to the youth of our community, and being a 4-H Leader offers you a prime opportunity!"

Current leaders and those interested in being a 4-H Leader in Presidio County will meet on Wednesday July 21st, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at the Presidio County Abstract Office in Marfa. Kickoff plans will be made, leaders will be registered, and goals put in place for the upcoming 4-H year.

Leaders are needed in a variety of interests in Presidio Counties growing and diverse club. Organizational leaders, fund raising, project leaders and assistants " from A to Z" are all needed for the 2010-11 4-H year.

If you have any questions about this meeting or 4-H in general please contact Presidio County Texas AgriLife Extension Agent, Jesse Lea Schneider at 432-729-4746.
Location: Presidio Co Abstract Office, Highland Ave, Marfa
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2022
Priority: 5-Medium
Access: Public
Created by: Joni Marginot
Updated: Tuesday, July 13, 2022 5:50pm GMT